Welcome to your Bookkeeping/Technology Quiz.


Thank you in advance for your participation in this quiz.


We encourage you to not rush through the questions.


Please take your time to ensure your answer is considered.


This quiz may only be taken once.


To complete this quiz:


  1. Please ensure that you are in a distraction free environment for the duration of this quiz
  2. The use of technology is encouraged for the completion of the questions.
  3. Note there is a 45 minute time-limit to complete all questions
  4. Ensure you click on "submit quiz" at the end to stop the timer
  5. Answers may not be changed once you have gone to the next question


If you have any queries regarding this quiz, please contact Vianne at vianne@avhbiz.com.au


Good luck!


Name Email Phone Number

Be sure to click Submit Quiz to stop the timer!